Time Speaker Shiur Title Category Vayichan Link
10:30 AM EST, 03:30 PM UK, 05:30 PM ILRav Moshe HeinemannBeing B’Shalom with EveryoneAhavas Yisrael 1
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11:00 AM EST, 4:00 PM UK, 6:00 PM ILRav Yissochar FrandKeeping Things in Perspective: The Antidote to Sinas ChinamAhavas Yisrael 1
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11:30 AM EST, 4:30 PM UK, 6:30 PM ILRabbi Berel LazarAhavas Chinam vs. Sinas ChinamAhavas Yisrael 1
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12:00 PM EST, 5:00 PM UK, 7:00 PM ILRav Menachem PennerSinat Chinam Destroyed the Mikdash: Really???Ahavas Yisrael 1
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12:30 PM EST, 5:30 PM UK, 7:30 PM ILRabbi Leib KelemenThe Secret to Loving Every Single JewAhavas Yisrael 1
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1:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM UK, 8:00 PM ILRav Bezalel RudinskyAchdus: The Lifeline for Hashroas HaShechinaAhavas Yisrael 1
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1:30 PM EST, 6:30 PM UK, 8:30 PM ILRav Aryeh LebowitzThe Highest Form of Ahavas YisraelAhavas Yisrael 1
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2:00 PM EST, 7:00 PM UK, 9:00 PM ILRav Shay SchachterLoving Hashem Means Loving His ChildrenAhavas Yisrael 1
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2:30 PM EST, 7:30 PM UK, 9:30 PM ILRav Ben Tzion ShafierBaseless Hatred Never Feels BaselessAhavas Yisrael 1
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3:00 PM EST, 8:00 PM UK, 10:00 PM ILRav Yitzchak BreitowitzThe Price of Sinat ChinamAhavas Yisrael 1
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10:30 AM EST, 03:30 PM UK, 05:30 PM ILRav Hershel SchachterAhavas YisraelAhavas Yisrael 2
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11:00 AM EST, 4:00 PM UK, 6:00 PM ILRav Ahron LopianskyV'ahavta L'rei'acha Kamocha'- To Love Or To Like?Ahavas Yisrael 2
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11:30 AM EST, 4:30 PM UK, 6:30 PM ILRav Yitzchak BerkovitsIs Sinas Chinam Ever Really Chinam?Ahavas Yisrael 2
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12:00 PM EST, 5:00 PM UK, 7:00 PM ILChief Rabbi Dr. Warren GoldsteinJewish Unity as a Creative ProcessAhavas Yisrael 2
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12:30 PM EST, 5:30 PM UK, 7:30 PM ILRav Shimon AloufHaMikdash VeAchdut YisraelAhavas Yisrael 2
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1:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM UK, 8:00 PM ILRav Michael RosensweigAveilus De'Rabbim: An Expression of Ahavas YisraelAhavas Yisrael 2
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1:30 PM EST, 6:30 PM UK, 8:30 PM ILRav Doron PerezMaking Sense of Senseless HatredAhavas Yisrael 2
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2:00 PM EST, 7:00 PM UK, 9:00 PM ILChief Rabbi Saul J. KassinThe Unity That Defines UsAhavas Yisrael 2
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2:30 PM EST, 7:30 PM UK, 9:30 PM ILRav Judah MischelSeeing Good in Ourselves and OthersAhavas Yisrael 2
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3:00 PM EST, 8:00 PM UK, 10:00 PM ILRav Mayer TwerskyRambam on Ahavas YisroelAhavas Yisrael 2
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10:30 AM EST, 03:30 PM UK, 05:30 PM ILChief Rabbi Dovid LauThe Mikdash Holiness That UnifiesBein Adam Lchaveiro
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11:00 AM EST, 4:00 PM UK, 6:00 PM ILRav Moshe WeinbergerAhavas Olam; An Everlasting LoveBein Adam Lchaveiro
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11:30 AM EST, 4:30 PM UK, 6:30 PM ILRav Yaakov BenderHow to Rise Above PettinessBein Adam Lchaveiro
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12:00 PM EST, 5:00 PM UK, 7:00 PM ILRav Melech BidermanForgiving and ForgoingBein Adam Lchaveiro
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12:30 PM EST, 5:30 PM UK, 7:30 PM ILRav Moshe HauerHashomeir Achi Anochi- Am I My Brother's Keeper?Bein Adam Lchaveiro
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1:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM UK, 8:00 PM ILRav Zev LeffShalom: The State of PerfectionBein Adam Lchaveiro
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1:30 PM EST, 6:30 PM UK, 8:30 PM ILRav Gershon RibnerRebuilding the Mikdash by Rebuilding Our RelationshipsBein Adam Lchaveiro
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2:00 PM EST, 7:00 PM UK, 9:00 PM ILRav Yosef Zvi RimonThe Sinah Prohibition- The Torah Way To Solve DisputesBein Adam Lchaveiro
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2:30 PM EST, 7:30 PM UK, 9:30 PM ILRav Eytan FeinerLev Echad / Guf Echad & the Journey Towards Eretz YisroelBein Adam Lchaveiro
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3:00 PM EST, 8:00 PM UK, 10:00 PM ILRav Shmuel WeinerThe Key to ChesedBein Adam Lchaveiro
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10:30 AM EST, 03:30 PM UK, 05:30 PM ILRav Asher WeissThe Galus & the GeulaGalus/Geulah
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11:00 AM EST, 4:00 PM UK, 6:00 PM ILRabbi Lord Jonathan SacksUnderstanding the Not Understood - Theology of the HolocaustGalus/Geulah
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11:30 AM EST, 4:30 PM UK, 6:30 PM ILRav Moshe Tuvia LieffGetting Ready to Greet MoshiachGalus/Geulah
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12:00 PM EST, 5:00 PM UK, 7:00 PM ILRav Mordechai WilligRebuilding the Beis HamikdashGalus/Geulah
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12:30 PM EST, 5:30 PM UK, 7:30 PM ILMr. Charlie HararyThe Eyes of GeulaGalus/Geulah
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1:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM UK, 8:00 PM ILRav Ephraim ShapiroRemoving the DarknessGalus/Geulah
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1:30 PM EST, 6:30 PM UK, 8:30 PM ILRav Steven Weil2 Infamous Attempts to Destroy Judaism & the Torah SheBaal PehGalus/Geulah
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2:00 PM EST, 7:00 PM UK, 9:00 PM ILRabbi Joey RosenfeldNechamah: The Secret of Redemption Within ExileGalus/Geulah
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2:30 PM EST, 7:30 PM UK, 9:30 PM ILRav Jesse HornThree Approaches to Understand Why Hashem Sent Us Into GalusGalus/Geulah
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3:00 PM EST, 8:00 PM UK, 10:00 PM ILRav Mendel BlachmanReflections on the ChurbanGalus/Geulah
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10:30 AM EST, 03:30 PM UK, 05:30 PM ILRav Berel PovarskyThe Punishment That Is a CurePersonal Growth
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11:00 AM EST, 4:00 PM UK, 6:00 PM ILRav Yisroel ReismanDon’t Be Caught on The Wrong Side of The DoorPersonal Growth
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11:30 AM EST, 4:30 PM UK, 6:30 PM ILRav Moshe MeiselmanIntrospection as a Step to Rebuilding the Bais HaMikdoshPersonal Growth
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12:00 PM EST, 5:00 PM UK, 7:00 PM ILRabbi YY JacobsonHow to Turn Your Home into a Beis HaMikdashPersonal Growth
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12:30 PM EST, 5:30 PM UK, 7:30 PM ILRav Noach Isaac OelbaumBuilding the Beis HaMekdash Within OurselvesPersonal Growth
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1:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM UK, 8:00 PM ILRav Shmuel BrazilThe Bais Hamikdash & The Power to ReframePersonal Growth
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1:30 PM EST, 6:30 PM UK, 8:30 PM ILRav Nissan KaplanServing Hashem Without DistractionPersonal Growth
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2:00 PM EST, 7:00 PM UK, 9:00 PM ILRav Ari BensoussanLiving ThankfullyPersonal Growth
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2:30 PM EST, 7:30 PM UK, 9:30 PM ILRav Menachem LeibtagPrayer or Penitence - The Purpose of the Beit Ha'MikdashPersonal Growth
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3:00 PM EST, 8:00 PM UK, 10:00 PM ILRav Shalom RosnerAchieving the Level of Moshe RabeinuPersonal Growth
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10:30 AM EST, 03:30 PM UK, 05:30 PM ILRav Simcha Bunim CohenWhat To Gain From The Three WeeksTisha B'Av
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11:00 AM EST, 4:00 PM UK, 6:00 PM ILRav Yosef ChevroniThe Journey from Shiva Asar B'Tamuz to Tisha B'AvTisha B'Av
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11:30 AM EST, 4:30 PM UK, 6:30 PM ILChief Rabbi Ephraim MirvisTisha B’Av: The Power of the Absent GreetingTisha B'Av
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12:00 PM EST, 5:00 PM UK, 7:00 PM ILRav Yonasan SacksThe Dual Nature of Tisha B'avTisha B'Av
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12:30 PM EST, 5:30 PM UK, 7:30 PM ILRabbi Jacob J. SchacterWhen Should We Fast in Commemoration of the Churban?Tisha B'Av
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1:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM UK, 8:00 PM ILRav Noach OrlowekAveilus Besimcha - Mourning in JoyTisha B'Av
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1:30 PM EST, 6:30 PM UK, 8:30 PM ILRav Professor Avraham SteinbergThe Sick on Tisha B'AvTisha B'Av
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2:00 PM EST, 7:00 PM UK, 9:00 PM ILRav Moshe TaraginThe Day The World ChangedTisha B'Av
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2:30 PM EST, 7:30 PM UK, 9:30 PM ILRav Shraga KallusThe Kosel - The Holiest Place in the WorldTisha B'Av
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3:00 PM EST, 8:00 PM UK, 10:00 PM ILRav Shmuel FuerstLaws of Tisha B'Aav: Kriya & Other InyanimTisha B'Av
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10:30 AM EST, 03:30 PM UK, 05:30 PM ILRebbetzin Yemima MizrachiHaMikdash VeAchdut YisraelWomen 1
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11:00 AM EST, 4:00 PM UK, 6:00 PM ILRebbetzin Tziporah Gottlieb (Heller)How To Love Difficult PeopleWomen 1
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11:30 AM EST, 4:30 PM UK, 6:30 PM ILRebbetzin Feige TwerskiAhavas Yisroel Includes Ones SelfWomen 1
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12:00 PM EST, 5:00 PM UK, 7:00 PM ILMrs. Sivan Rahav-MeirThe Three Weeks in the Corona AgeWomen 1
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12:30 PM EST, 5:30 PM UK, 7:30 PM ILDr. Yael ZieglerFinding Consolation in Megillat EikhaWomen 1
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1:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM UK, 8:00 PM ILMrs. Miriam KosmanSay Yes to TearsWomen 1
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1:30 PM EST, 6:30 PM UK, 8:30 PM ILMrs. Esther WeinBuilding a Secure Attachment - To G-d First, Then To Others.Women 1
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2:00 PM EST, 7:00 PM UK, 9:00 PM ILRebbetzen Lori PalatnikWords Can Hurt, Words Can HealWomen 1
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2:30 PM EST, 7:30 PM UK, 9:30 PM ILMrs. Michal HorowitzFrom Single Bricks to a Grand Edifice: Rebuilding With AhavaWomen 1
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3:00 PM EST, 8:00 PM UK, 10:00 PM ILRabbanit Yael LeibowitzTolerance & Strength in Uncertain TimesWomen 1
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10:30 AM EST, 03:30 PM UK, 05:30 PM ILRebbetzin Rena TarshishMaking the Most of The Three WeeksWomen 2
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11:00 AM EST, 4:00 PM UK, 6:00 PM ILMrs. Shira SmilesAhavah Rabah: The Key to GeulaWomen 2
Click Here
11:30 AM EST, 4:30 PM UK, 6:30 PM ILRabbanit Shani TaraginRabbi Akiva and Yerushalayim: Crowns of Commitment, Mesorah & MessirutWomen 2
Click Here
12:00 PM EST, 5:00 PM UK, 7:00 PM ILRebbetzin Smadar RosensweigWhat is Yishayahu's Vision of Nechama?Women 2
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12:30 PM EST, 5:30 PM UK, 7:30 PM ILRebbetzin Dina SchoonmakerEradicating Sinas Chinam By Understanding Other's FaultsWomen 2
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1:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM UK, 8:00 PM ILRebbetzin Aviva FeinerFinding Love in a World of StrifeWomen 2
Click Here
1:30 PM EST, 6:30 PM UK, 8:30 PM ILMrs. Esti RosenbergTeshuva and Tochacha - A Kinot StudyWomen 2
Click Here
2:00 PM EST, 7:00 PM UK, 9:00 PM ILMrs. Chani JuravelMrs. Chani JuravelWomen 2
Click Here
2:30 PM EST, 7:30 PM UK, 9:30 PM ILSarah Chana RadcliffeAhavas Yisrael: Real People, Real LoveWomen 2
Click Here
3:00 PM EST, 8:00 PM UK, 10:00 PM ILMrs. Faigie ZelcerCosmic Silence and MeWomen 2
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10:30 AM EST, 03:30 PM UK, 05:30 PM ILRav Dr. Avraham TwerskiMy Own Struggle With Low Self-EsteemAchieving Ahavas Yisrael
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11:00 AM EST, 4:00 PM UK, 6:00 PM ILRav Dr. Tzvi Hersh WeinrebAhavat Chinam: A Tool for Healing Family DysfunctionAchieving Ahavas Yisrael
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11:30 AM EST, 4:30 PM UK, 6:30 PM ILDr. David PelcovitzThe Power of Inclusion of Adults With Special NeedsAchieving Ahavas Yisrael
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12:00 PM EST, 5:00 PM UK, 7:00 PM ILRav Dr. Dovid FoxBenevolent Gaze: The Dynamics of Positive Social PerceptionAchieving Ahavas Yisrael
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12:30 PM EST, 5:30 PM UK, 7:30 PM ILDr. Rona Milch NovickEmpathy: Can & Should We Feel Others' PainAchieving Ahavas Yisrael
Click Here
1:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM UK, 8:00 PM ILRabbi Daniel FeldmanBut it’s True? The Psychology of Lashon HaraAchieving Ahavas Yisrael
Click Here
1:30 PM EST, 6:30 PM UK, 8:30 PM ILRav Yakov HorowitzA Novel Approach To 'Become Wise & Know Hashem'Achieving Ahavas Yisrael
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2:00 PM EST, 7:00 PM UK, 9:00 PM ILDr. Eli ShapiroGreat Expectations: How Reducing them Will Improve Your RelationshipsAchieving Ahavas Yisrael
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2:30 PM EST, 7:30 PM UK, 9:30 PM ILDr. David RosmarinAhavas Yisrael in the Era Of AnxietyAchieving Ahavas Yisrael
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3:00 PM EST, 8:00 PM UK, 10:00 PM ILRabbi Dr. SytnerRebuilding with Love: Using Marriage Research to Bring the GeulahAchieving Ahavas Yisrael
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10:30 AM EST, 03:30 PM UK, 05:30 PM ILRabbi Barnea SelavanViews of the Har Habayis & Beis Hamikdash RemnantsIsrael Tours
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11:00 AM EST, 4:00 PM UK, 6:00 PM ILRabbi Ken SpiroIr David: Seeing the Churban With Our Own EyesIsrael Tours
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11:30 AM EST, 4:30 PM UK, 6:30 PM ILYehuda GebererThe Jews Return to YerushalayimIsrael Tours
Click Here
12:00 PM EST, 5:00 PM UK, 7:00 PM ILRabbi Tzvi SperberYerushalayim's Ancient Walls and Roads- The Pathway to ChurbanIsrael Tours
Click Here
12:30 PM EST, 5:30 PM UK, 7:30 PM ILRabbi Simcha HochbaumThe Gateways to the Beis HamikdashIsrael Tours
Click Here
1:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM UK, 8:00 PM ILRabbi Noam ArnonChevron: From Destruction to RebuildingIsrael Tours
Click Here
1:30 PM EST, 6:30 PM UK, 8:30 PM ILMrs. Eve HarowI Will Make This House Like ShiloIsrael Tours
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2:00 PM EST, 7:00 PM UK, 9:00 PM ILRav Doron KornbluthGamla: The End of the BeginningIsrael Tours
Click Here
3:00 PM EST, 8:00 PM UK, 10:00 PM ILRav Chaim FriedmanAnimated Tour of the Bais HamikdashIsrael Tours
Click Here
10:30 AM EST, 03:30 PM UK, 05:30 PM ILRav Emanuel Feldman and his son Rav IlanIs it a Child’s Job to Give Their Parents Nachas?Parent-Child Interviews
Click Here
11:00 AM EST, 4:00 PM UK, 6:00 PM ILRav Meir Goldwicht and his son Rav EitielThe Key to Connect GenerationsParent-Child Interviews
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11:30 AM EST, 4:30 PM UK, 6:30 PM ILRav Michel & Rebbetzin Feige Twerski with their son Rav EfraimYour Children Are Your LegacyParent-Child Interviews
Click Here
12:00 PM EST, 5:00 PM UK, 7:00 PM ILRebbetzin Shirley Pelcovitz with her daughter Mrs. Ora Lee KannerThe Power of LoveParent-Child Interviews
Click Here
12:30 PM EST, 5:30 PM UK, 7:30 PM ILRebbetzin Pesha Neuburger with her daughter Mrs. Bruriah SiegelRecipes for a Great Mother-Daughter RelationshipParent-Child Interviews
Click Here
1:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM UK, 8:00 PM ILRav Avshalom Katz with his sons Rav Shlomo & Rav EitanChallenges & Success in Raising Artistic ChildrenParent-Child Interviews
Click Here
1:30 PM EST, 6:30 PM UK, 8:30 PM ILRav Hanoch TellerThe Achdus of the Wildly Disparate Shanghai Ghetto During WWIIAchdus Interview
Click Here
10:00 AM EST, 3:00 PM UK, 5:00 PM ILChief Rabbi Dovid Lau, Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar, Rav Avigdor Nevenzahl, Rav Asher Weiss, Rav Baruch WiederOpening SessionOpening Session
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3:30 PM EST, 8:30 PM UK, 10:30 PM ILRav Dr. Akiva TatzClosing SessionClosing Session
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!ואהבת לרעך כמוך - זה כלל גדול בתורה

Program Details

From the center of the world and the city that unifies all Jews, Yeshivat Hakotel is proud to present a third Unprecedented Worldwide Achdus Program.

On Sunday 5 Av (July 26) we invite you to properly prepare for Tisha B’Av - the day when we mourn the destruction of the Bais Hamikdash because of Sinas Chinam - by strengthening your connection with and Ahavas Chinam of Klal Yisrael.

On Rosh Chodesh Sivan, for the first time in 2000 years, eight Chief Rabbis and leading Roshei Yeshiva, Rabbonim, and Mechanchim from around the globe and of different hashkafot joined forces to present Torah to the whole world at once- ki’ish echad b’lev echad. On Erev Shavuos Roshei Yeshiva and Ramim from almost 50 yeshivas taught Torah together in a Pre Shavuos all night mishmar. Baruch Hashem the Pre Shavuos program had over 125,000 ‘attendees’ and jump-started a worldwide achdus movement. We look forward to continuing this momentum and showing Hashem the Ahavas Chinam that makes us worthy of geula.

The Israeli Chief Rabbis and Senior Roshei Yeshiva will iy”H open the program at 10:00 AM US East Coast Time. Afterwards, the speakers will iy”H speak in parallel online rooms beginning every 30 minutes on the hour/half hour from 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM. The program will iy”H also include tours of sites connected to the Bais Hamikdash and interviews with parent and child chinuch pairs (in the spirit of V’heishiv Laiv Avos Al Banim…)

Viewing the Shiurim

The shiurim will iy”H be screened on Youtube, on the program site and on TorahAnytime. For your convenience the pdf versions of the schedule fliers (that will iy”H be posted closer to the event) consist of click boxes. Clicking the box will take you to the youtube shiur link (which will iy”H activate at the time the shiur begins). (You are able to log in before it actually starts.)

Thank You

Thank you to the speakers- the Chief Rabbis, the Roshei Yeshiva, the Rabbonim, the Mechanchim, the Mental Health Professionals, and the Tour Guides who identified with this achdut vision and translated this identification into action by making the time to speak/ despite busy schedules.

All the speakers are speaking pro bono.

A special thank you to Dovid Lichtenstein and his team for interviewing the parent-children pairs.

Thank you to Shlomie Dachs, Rav Avraham Fried, Eitan Freilich, Rav Benny Friedman, Shlomie Gertner, Abie Rotenberg, Nachum Segal, and others for their pre event videos.

Thank you to Rabbi Jonathan Caller, Rabbi Daniel Fine, Rabbi Michoel Green, Rabbi Ariel Shoshan, Rabbi Gidon Shoshan, Rabbi Gil Student, and Rav Hanoch Teller for helping develop the program.

Thank you to the over one hundred representatives from communities around the world who have advised and helped advertise the program.

Thank you to Binyamin Klein for building and maintaining the website and to Leah Rubin for creating the program fliers.

Thank you to Hadassa Bennett for being our Director of Media.

Thank you to the national partners around the world including the Orthodox Union, Aleinu, and the Office of the South African Chief Rabbi. Thank you to the over one hundred fifty partner shuls, schools, yeshivas, and other organizations whose names appear on the site. If your organization would like to partner (which means receiving a flier with your logo and being listed on the website [all free of charge]), please fill out this form.

Thank you to our screening partners- TorahAnytime, Yeshiva World and others.

Thank you to Jordan Lustman for coordinating the speaker representatives.

Thank you to Elisheva Adouth and Hannah Karben for producing the weekly Shabbat Chovrot.

Thank you to Avery Amster, Yosef Besso Cowan, Jonathan Kazlow, Zev Lafer, Sammy Raskas, and Jonathan Wenger for coordinating the uploading and editing of the videos.

Thank you to Sam Rothstein for coordinating the shiur summaries.

Thank you to Morday Fried for coordinating the Social Media effort.

Thank you to Shane Safran, Jonathan Wenger, Jonathan Kazlow, Binyamin Klein, Elisheva Adouth, Ometz Schmidman, Yoni Panitch, Elisheva Raskas, Aliza Mandelbaum, Zac Winkler, Noah Diamond, Shoshana Weintraub, Joshua Trauring, and Sammy Raskas for editing, uploading and working on the videos.

A special thank you to Shane Safran for working so hard on the promo videos.

Thank you to the many volunteers who coordinated with the speakers including Elisheva Adouth, Gila Allen, Akiva Aryeh, Eytan Aryeh, Rav Ben Baruch, Yona Berzon, Tzvi Bessler, Yosef Besso-Cowan, Saul Bishop, Gavi Book, Eitan Drapkin, Meira Edelstein, Eitan Edinger, Akiva Erlbaum, Sophie Frankenthal, Yoni Kram, Yoni Laub, Adina Lev, Ariel Lewis, Zev Lowy, Jordan Lustman, Yakov Martins Moreira, Yonadav Rimberg, Daniel Ross, Gidon Schwartz, Talia Tarzik, Jonah Tripp, Phillip Vedol, Talia Wein, and Jed Zaslow, and Michal Zelmanovitz.


The event is sponsored by David and Debra Segal and Shlomo and Adrianne Drazin, the children of Rabbi Meyer Shapiro and Rebbetzin Pearl Shapiro. This past Shiva Asar B’Tammuz was the 22nd Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Shapiro and this week will be the Shloshim of Rebbitzin Pearl. Rabbi Meyer and Rebbitzin Pearl Shapiro devoted their lives to Yiddishkeit and the Jewish people. They were both direct descendants of the Ba’al Shem Tov. She was part of the Nadvorna Rabbinic dynasty. He was a student of the Chevron Yeshiva of Jerushalayim and a descendant of Pinchos M-Koretz and the Megale Amukos.After they were married they served the Jewish communities of South America, with Rabbi Shapiro serving as a rabbi in Lima, Peru, Caracas, Venezuela, where he was chief rabbi, and Buenos Aires, Argentina. They were a prime force in developing Yiddishkeit in each of those communities.

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For questions or inquiries, please email [email protected].


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Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar

Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem and former Rishon Litziyon of Israel

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Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau

Former Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel

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Chief Rabbi Dovid Lau

Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel

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Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef

Rishon Litziyon

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Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein

Chief Rabbi of The Union of Orthodox Synagogues of South Africa

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Chief Rabbi Ephriam Mirvis

Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth

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Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

Former Chief Rabbi of the UK; Renowned speaker and author

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Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar

Chief Rabbi of Russia

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Chief Rabbi Saul J. Kassin

Chief Rabbi of Syrian/Sephardic Community - U.S.

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Rav Shimon H. Alouf

Senior Rabbi, Cong. Ahaba VeAhva and Rosh Kollel, Sephardic Rabbinical College

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Rav Yaakov Bender

Rosh Hayeshivah of Yeshiva Darchei Torah in Far Rockaway

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Rav Yitzchak Berkovits

Rosh Yeshiva of Aish HaTorah

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Rav Elimelech Biderman

Mashpia & Author of Torah Wellsprings

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Dayan Ivan Binstock

Dayan of Beis Din of London

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Rav Mendel Blachman

Senior Ram and Associate Rosh Yeshiva Emeritus at Yeshivat Kerem B'Yavneh

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Rav Shmuel Brazil

Rosh Yeshiva Emeritus at Zeev HaTorah

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Rav Dovid Chait

Rosh Yeshiva at Chofetz Chaim - Yerushalayim

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Rav Yosef Chevroni

Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshivat Chevron

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Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen

Posek, Rov, Khal Ateres Yeshaya

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Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu

Beis Din of London

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Rav Reuven Feinstein

Rosh Yeshiva of the Yeshiva of Staten Island

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Rav Aharon Feldman

Rosh Yeshiva at Ner Yisroel

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Rav Yissocher Frand

Rosh Yeshiva, Ner Yisrael

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Rav Shmuel Fuerst

Rov and Dayan, Agudas Yisrael

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Rav Akiva Grunblatt

Rosh Yeshiva at Chofetz Chaim -Queens

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Rav Moshe Heineman

Rov, Agudath Israel/ Rabbinic Supervisor, Star K

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Rav Chaim Ilsan

Rosh Yeshiva at Derech Hatalmud

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Rav Naftali Jaeger

Rosh Yeshiva at Shaar Yashuv

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Rav Aharon Kahn

Rosh Yeshiva at RIETS

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Rav Yosef Yitzchak Kalmenson

Rosh Yeshiva at Beis Dovid Shlomo - Lubavitch

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Rav Nissan Kaplan

Rosh Yeshiva at Mir Yeshiva

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Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky

Rosh Yeshiva at Heichal Hatorah

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Rav Zev Leff

Rav of Moshav Matityahu

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Rav Yitzchak Lichtenstein

Rosh Yeshiva at Torah Vodass

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Rav Moshe Lichtenstein

Rosh Yeshiva at Har Etzion

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Rav Aharon Lopiansky

Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva of Greater Washington

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Rav Moshe Meiselman

Rosh Yeshiva at Toras Moshe

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Rav Dovid Miller

Rosh Yeshiva at Gruss kollel

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Rav Shraga Neuberger

Senior Rebbe, Yeshivas Ner Yisrael

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Rav Avigdor Nevenzahl

Senior Rebbe, Yeshivat Hakotel; Rav of the old city

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Rav Yisroel Reisman

Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas, Rav of Agudath Israel of Madison, and author

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Rav Michael Rosensweig

Rosh Yeshiva of RIETS and the Rosh Kollel of the Beren Kollel Elyon

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Rav Betzalel Rudinsky

Rosh Yeshiva, Ohr Reuven

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Rav Yonason Sacks

Rosh Yeshiva at Beis Medrash L'Talmud

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Rav Hershel Schachter

Rosh Yeshiva of RIETS, Halakhic advisor for the Orthodox Union, and Rosh Kollel in RIETS' Marcos and Adina Katz Kollel

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Rav Ezra Binyomin Schochet

Rosh Yeshiva at Or Elchonon- Chabad LA

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Rav Mayer Twersky

Rosh Yeshiva of RIETS and holds the Leib Merkin Distinguished Professorial Chair in Talmud and Jewish Philosophy

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Rav Akive Wagner

Rosh Yeshiva at Lubavitch -Toronto

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Rav Asher Weiss

Rosh Kollel of Machon Minchas Osher L'Torah V'Horaah, Av Beit Din, posek for Shaarei Zedek hospital

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Rav Yechezkel Weinfeld

Rosh Kolel and Rav of Khal Lev Avrohom in Yerushalayim

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Rav Baruch Wieder

Rosh HaKollel and Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshivat Hakotel

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Rav Mordechai Willig

Rosh HaYeshiva at RIETS

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Rav Michael Yammer

Rosh HaYeshiva of Sha'alavim

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Rav David Aaron

Rosh Yeshiva Orayta

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Rav Ari Bensoussan

Chazak L.A.

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Rav Yitzchak Breitowitz

Rav at Ohr Somayach

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Rav Mordechai Burg


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Rav Steven Burg

Director General of Aish HaTorah

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Rav Ari Cutler


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Rav Chaim Eisenstein

Gruss Kollel & Torat Shraga

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Rav Daniel Engel

Shaar Hacahim

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Rav Eytan Feiner

Rav of Congregation Kneseth Israel (The White Shul)

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Rav Dovid Fohrman

Principal Educator at Aleph Beta

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Rav Yoel Gold

Rabbi of Congregation Beis Naftali

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Rav Dovid Goldfein

Yeshivah Gedolah of Johannesburg

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Rav Meir Goldwicht

Rosh Yeshiva at the Yeshiva Program/Mazer School of Talmudic Studies at Yeshiva University

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Mr. Charlie Harary

Motivational Speaker

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Rav Yehoshua Hartman


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Rav Moshe Hauer

Incoming Executive Vice President of the Orthodox Union

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Rav Jesse Horn

Senior Ram at Yeshivat Hakotel

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Rav Yakov Horowitz

Founding Dean of Yeshiva Darchei Noam of Monsey, and founder and Director of Project Y.E.S

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Rav Shimon Isaacson


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Rav YY Jacobson

World-renowned teacher; Dean of; Maggid Shiur Beis Midrash Ohr Chaim, Monsey, NY

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Rav Shraga Kallus

Rosh Kollel of Machon Hora’ah L’Rabanim, and Rav of Kehilas Imrei Pi

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Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen

Rosh Kollel at the Center for Kehillah Development in Yerushalayim

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Rav Reuven Kuravsky

Tomchei Tmimim - Moscow

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Rav Yosef Y. Kushner

Bais Havaad of Lakewood

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Rav Aryeh Lebowitz

Rav of Beis Haknesses of North Woodmere; Director of Semicha at RIETS

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Rav Menachem Leibtag

Lecturer and Founder of the Tanach Study Center

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Rav Reuven Leuchter

Ner Leelef

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Rav Moshe Tuvia Lieff

Agudath Yisrael Bais Binyomin

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Rav Eli Mansour

Rav, Edmond J Safra Synagogue

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Rav Ilan Meirov

Director, Chazaq

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Rav Judah Mischel

Executive Director of Camp HASC and Mashpiah of OU-NCSY

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Rav Noah Isaac Oelbaum

Rav of K’hal Nachalas Yitzchak in Kew Gardens Hills

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Rav Yosef Aharon Oppenheimer


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Rav Noach Orlowek

Torah Ohr

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Dr. David Pelcovitz

Gwendolyn & Joseph Straus Chair in Jewish Education and professor at Yeshiva University

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Rav Menachem Penner

Max and Marion Grill Dean of the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary at Yeshiva University; Rabbi Emeritus of the Young Israel of Holliswood in Queens

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Rav Doron Perez

Chief Executive of the Mizrachi World Movement

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Rav Gershon Ribner

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Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon

Rosh Yeshiva of Lev Academic Center (JCT), Founder and Chairman of Sulamot and La'Ofek, Rabbi of Alon Shvut South

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Rav Dovid Roberts

Kahal Adass Jisroel

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Rav Dovid Rosman

Aish HaTorah

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Rav Shalom Rosner

Rav, Kehillat Nofei Hashemesh , Bet Shemesh;Ram Yeshivat Kerem B'Yavneh

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Rav Daniel Rubin


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Rav YY Rubinstein

Renowned speaker and author

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Rav Shay Schachter

Rabbi and Rosh Beit Midrash at the Young Israel of Woodmere

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Rav Jacob J. Schacter

University Professor of Jewish History and Jewish Thought and Senior Scholar at Yeshiva University

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Rav Chaim Tzvi Senter

Aderes Hatorah

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Rav Ben Tzion Shafier

Director of the

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Rav Efraim Shapiro

Rav of Shaaray Tefilah of North Miami Beach and renowned lecturer

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Prof. Avraham Steinberg

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Rav Reuven Taragin

Dean of Overseas Students at Yeshivat Hakotel and the Educational Director of The World Mizrachi Movement

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Rav Moshe Taragin

Ram at Yeshivat Har Etzion; Stella K. Abraham Beit Midrash for Women of Yeshivat Har Etzion in Migdal Oz

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Rav Akiva Tatz

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Rav Hanoch Teller

Author, Producer, Educator, Senior Docent Yad Vashem

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Rav Dr. Avraham Twerski

Psychiatrist and Founder of Gateway Rehabilitation Center in Pittsburgh; Renowned author

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Rav Zecharya Wallerstein

Founder of Ohr Yitzchak, Ateres Naava Seminary for Girls, and Ohr Naava Women's Institute

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Rav Aryeh Waxman


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Rav Steven Weil

Senior Managing Director of the Orthodox Union

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Rav Moshe Weinberger

Rav of Congregation Aish Kodesh; Mashpia in Yeshiva University

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Rav Shmuel Weiner





Adath Israel of the JEC • Aish HaTorah • Aish HaTorah/Aish Gesher • Aish of the Rockies • Baer Miriam • Baron Hirsch Congregation • BCMH- Seattle • Beis Medrash Mevakshei Emes • Beit Chaverim Synagogue • Beit Knesset Alon Shvut Daron • Beit Sasson, the Sephardic Congregation of Newton • Beney Brit Jewish community • Beth David Synagogue • Beth Jacob Atlanta • Beth Jacob Congregation • Beth Jacob Congregation of Oakland CA • Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion • Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Congregation • Brooklyn Jewish Experience • Camp HASC • Camps Bay Hebrew Congregation • Center for Kehilla Development • Chabad of Savoy • Chabad of West Orange • Chai Lifeline • Chazaq • Clanton Park synagogue- Kahal Machzik Hadas • Cong. Agudath Sholom- Stamford • Cong. Beth Aaaron- Teaneck • Cong. Bnai Yeshurun- Teaneck • Cong. Etz Chaim- Queens • Cong. Ohab Zedek • Cong. Ohav Zedek • Cong. Ohr Torah- Highland Park • Cong. Schara Tzedeck • Cong. Shomrei Emunah • Congregation AABJ&D • Congregation Beth El Atereth Israel • Congregation Beth Israel of Malden • Congregation Beth Sholom • Congregation Beth Sholom • Congregation Beth Torah • Congregation Bnai Yeshurun • Congregation Darchei Noam of Fair Lawn • Congregation Israel of Springfield • Congregation Kadimah-Toras Moshe • Congregation Kneseth Israel • Congregation Ohav Sholom • Congregation Ohav Zedek • Congregation Ohr Torah • Congregation Ohr Torah • Congregation Sha'arei Torah • Congregation Shaaray Tefila • Congregation Shaare Rachamim UMJCA • Congregation Shaare Tefilla • Congregation Shaarei Tefillah • Congregation Shomrei Torah • Congregation Torah Ohr • Core • DAT Minyan • Dianella Shule - Mizrachi Perth • DRS Yeshiva High School for Boys • East Denver Orthodox Synagogue • East Hill Synagogue • Eitz Chayim of Dogwood Park • Elmora Hills Minyan • Elmora Hills Minyan • Fuchs Mizrachi School • Great Neck Synagogue • Green Road Synagogue • Hasmonean High School • Hebrew Acacamy of Long Beach • Hebrew Academy Montreal • Hebrew Academy of Nassau County • Hebrew Academy of Nassau County • Hebrew Theological College • Hebrew Theological College • Ida Crown Jewish Academy • Jewish Center of Atlantic Beach • Jewish Dispute Solutions • Jewish Educational Center Elmora Ave Shul • JLIC Canada • Just One Chesed • Just One Chesed • Kehilat Chovevei Tzion • Kehillas Netzach Yisroel, Edgware • Kehillat Nofei Hashemesh • Kemp Mill Synagogue • Kingsway Jewish Center • Kneseth Beth Israel- Richmond • Kol HaTorah Kulah • Kollel Torah Mitzion of Montreal • Lander College • Lavi • Lev Academic Center • Link Kollel • Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School • Maimonides Kehillah • Marine Park Jewish Center • Merkaz Torah V'chesed • Mesivta of Greater Philadelphia • Michlalah • Mishkan Shilo • MMY • Ner Tamid • Ohr Hatorah Toco Hills • Ohr Yisrael Synagogue • One Israel Fund • OUJLIC at UMass Amherst • Phyllis Jowell Jewish Day School • Queens Jewish Center • Riverdale Jewish Center • SAR Academy/High School • Seed UK • Sha'arei Bina Torah Academy for Girls • Shaarei Tefilla- Melbourne • Shema Bni • Sons of Israel • Stenecourt • Suburban Torah • Sulamot • TBDJ • The Center for Kehilla Development • The Seattle Kollel • Torah Academy of Bergen County • Torah Academy of Bergen County • Woodsburgh Minyan • Yavneh Academy • Yeshiva Aharon Yaakov Ohr Eliyahu • Yeshiva Aharon Yaakov Ohr Eliyahu • Yeshiva College • Yeshiva Har Torah • Yeshiva Mizrachi Community • Yeshiva Mizrachi community • Yeshiva of Greater Washington - Tiferes Gedaliah • Yeshiva University High School for Boys • Yeshivah of Flatbush • Yeshivas Zeev HaTorah • Yeshivat Ashreinu • Yeshivat Birkat Moshe • Yeshivat Hakotel • Yeshivat Kerem B'Yavneh • Yeshivat Mevaseret • Yeshivat Shaalvim • Yeshivat Torat Shraga • Young Israel of Brookline • Young Israel of Forest Hills • Young Israel of Great Neck • Young Israel of Great Neck • Young Israel of Hillcrest • Young Israel of Hollywood-Ft. Lauderdale • Young Israel of Lawrence Cedarhurst • Young Israel of Merrick • Young Israel of New Rochelle • Young Israel of North Beverly Hills • Young Israel of North Woodmere • Young Israel of Northridge • Young Israel of Oak Park • Young Israel of Scarsdale • Young Israel of Scarsdale • Young Israel of Sharon • Young Israel of Staten Island • Young Israel of West Hartford • Young Israel of West Hempstead • Young Israel of Woodmere • YULA Boys High School • בית כנסת עץ חיים



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